Sensotrend Uploader

Safety Information

Indications for Use

Sensotrend Uploader is a PC-based application that supports the treatment of diabetes by transferring data from blood glucose meters and sensors, as well as insulin pumps and similar devices, to cloud services.

The Sensotrend Uploader is designed for diabetics responsible for their care. However, we do not want to limit the use of the application to this group of users only. For other user groups, we consider the party responsible for care to be also responsible for using the Sensotrend Uploader.


The use of the application does not replace the care provided by a healthcare professional, but complements it. If there are significant changes in your glucose balance, contact your healthcare provider.

Do not make significant changes to your treatment based solely on the data transferred by the Sensotrend Uploader. Before making a treatment decision, the data transferred by the Sensotrend Uploader should be compared with the data from the original data source to ensure that the entire data transfer chain has operated reliably.

If you encounter serious incidents while using the application, you should notify our customer support at and the competent authority.

Information related to System Requirements

Sensotrend Uploader is designed to run on modern Windows, Mac and Linux computers. However, it is not possible to ensure the operation of all configurations on the market individually. If you notice any incorrect, unexpected, or incomplete activity that may be due to the hardware or software you are using, please contact our customer support by so that we can resolve and, to the best of our ability, correct the problem.

Do not use the application to transfer data used to monitor your health and balance of care if it appears to be malfunctioning.

Device-specific data transfer instructions
